20% off Columbia Care & Partners, 30% off 3+ items
Brands include Columbia Care, Seed & Strain, Triple Seven, Classix
Brands include Columbia Care, Seed & Strain, Triple Seven, Classix
With purchase of any two IncrEdibles items While supplies last
Shatter, Sugar, Badder 4 for $100 Plus unlock 30% off BaM pretzel bites
Brands include Buckeye Relief, Willie's Reserve, Wana, Keef, Old Pal, Airo
Promo includes Smokies, Chew & Chill, Mary's Medicinals, Triple Phoenix *can not mix and match
Includes Shatter, Badder, and Sugar
The Standard premium 14.15g flower for $75 Strains Available: Alien Starfighter, Platinum Cake, Death Star, Original Glue Purchase an Airgraft Pod to unlock $60 select half ounces